The Hierophant – V

Known also as the Magus of the Eternal and ruled by Taurus, the Hierophant represents seeking meaning and self-realisation. The Hierophant represents the logical, left brained and masculine thinking. It is the path of conformity which one must learn before being to...

The High Priestess – II

Ruled by the Moon, the card of the High Priestess brings access to heightened intuition and self-sufficiency, harmony and independence. This card shows that you have come home to yourself, your true being. This is a time to embrace who you are and shed the persona of...

The Tower – XVI

Known also as The Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty and ruled by Mars, The Tower signals big changes ahead which outwardly may come as a surprise, even a shock, but inwardly have begun some time ago on a very deep level. This card appears because we have ignored an...

The Chariot – VII

The Chariot, a symbol of confidence and triumph, paves the way for success in both business and life. The road to achievement may have been arduous, but your dedicated efforts have paid off, bringing you well-deserved rewards. This card signifies a resolution of inner...

The Star – XVII

Ruled by Aquarius, this card represents cosmic inspiration that is manifested on the physical plane. It embodies the cosmic inspiration manifesting on the physical plane. It represents a profound connection to celestial energies, a beacon of hope and guidance in our...