Nine of Cups

Wishes are not always unheard and unrewarded. Sometimes, even in the harshest of climates, a tiny seed bursts forth with life, hope and promise. If you water that seed and give it your positive attention, it will grow and provide the most wonderful nourishment and shade. Blessings indeed.
Known also as the Wish Card and the Lord of Material Happiness, the Nine of Cups is with Jupiter in Pisces and so brings happiness, love and joy as well as the granting of one's wishes.
Jupiter is expansion, luck and openness, while Pisces is deep emotional understanding and connection with all that is. You have the opportunity now to connect with what you truly desire and manifest the people, ideas and circumstances that will bring these desires to your door.
Emotional, material, and sensual fulfilment and abundance are yours or soon will be. The heart is overflowing and fully expects the fulfilment of its desires.
Close relationships can be expected to flourish, grow and delight. Love and attention dissolve misunderstandings and difficulties that have been previously evident.
This is a wonderful time for you to embrace, when everything feels right and it is easy to imagine how your life will progress and grant you your deepest desires.
Whatever problems in the past that are caused by stress (which, let's face it, is most if not all!) are passing by now as your feelings of hope, fulfilment and gratitude wash away any past anger, sadness and hopelessness. You are more willing to look at what is right in the world instead of what is wrong, and it is by your focus on the good in your life that will bring you more of the same.
Whatever situation you find yourself in, whether it is alone or amongst a crowd, understand that your happiness is your natural state.
Image Voyager Tarot

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