Justice – VIII

The Justice card is also known as the Daughter of Lords of Truth and the Ruler of the Balance.It is ruled by Libra which represents fairness, cause and effect and moving away from extremes. Libra, the Scales, brings the ability to balance between opposites to arrive at a centrepoint of fairness and calm.

Justice is an ideal concept, the way our world would be if there was always a balanced and fair outcome to any conflict. So we strive for this ideal, and sometimes we get there. Often we don't as our emotions and our history and patterns come between rationality and putting things right.

This card often shows up when you have been feeling out of balance, perhaps working too hard and not looking after your health, or neglecting your relationships in favour of a deadline. There may be a backlash as nature attempts to bring the pendulum back to the centre - if it has been swinging to one extreme it may have to swing to the opposite before it becalms. And then balance can be restored.

There may have been injustices that you have suffered that are very personal to you, and if you feel the need to get even then this card will say to you that you need to take a few steps back and look at the situation without the colour of emotional judgement and reaction.

It also brings favourable outcomes with contracts and other legal matters.

If you are unable to be impartial in any of these situations, then you are advised to seek advice that is not biased but is able to look at both sides coolly and calmly and make the call.

So what is the real advice or lesson from Justice? It is to find that internal place of calm and stillness that is not swayed by emotion or moved by force.

It allows us to view problems and challenges from a point outside and make decisions based on rationale and fairness rather than being triggered by emotional turmoil.

"Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends." - J. R. R. Tolkien

Image Voyager Tarot @thetarotclub.com

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